Financial Restructuring

We provide restructuring advisory services to companies who are not performing to their potential or face liquidity problems. We leverage our relationships with the investing community, namely turn around finds, private equity players and HNIs to help clients on to the path to long term stability and growth.


We provide the following to help restructure companies:

  • In-depth understanding of client’s business, financial position, strategy & management capabilities
  • Analyze refinancing, restructuring and sale alternatives based upon market conditions & deal apetite
  • Assess the challenges of client to formulate turn around strategy
  • Work closely with management to device a strategy to display key unique strengths
  • Assist in preparing marketing material to show company’s true potential to investors
  • Facilitate meetings & discussions with all stakeholders
  • Assist in hiring of new management
  • Assist in negotiating terms & conditions to provide client best possible outcome
  • Provide any further assistance to successfully execute the transaction